Articles on: Gameplay

Can I win cards in every game mode?

Yes! In 2 ways:

Win Silver cards and Conquest tickets when you rank high in the leaderboards. At the end of each week (Monday at 5:00 AM ET), the consolidated top 500 players on each leaderboards for Discovery and Constructed mode will earn corresponding Silver cards and/or Conquest tickets.
Players can also win Silver and Gold cards via the Conquest game mode. Enter Conquest and get rewarded with Silver or Gold cards if you win. You can choose to play Discovery or Constructed under Conquest.

Win 1 match = 1 Silver card

Win 2 consecutive matches = 2 Silver cards

Win all 3 matches = 1 Gold card and 1 Silver card

Lose a match, and you're out.

BONUS: After playing 30 matches in Conquest, players will be GUARANTEED one of the weekly Gold cards that are being offered.

You can enter Conquest by using a Conquest ticket which can be obtained by trading either 1 Silver card or 1.5 USDC.e for it.

Updated on: 07/01/2025