What’s the objective of the game?
In Skyweaver, you control a Hero, and must do battle with an enemy (human or AI). You both fight using cards that can be summoned to the playing field. When you deplete the enemy Hero’s Life, you win a match. If you lose all your health, you are defeated. Your ultimate goal is to compete and win against other Skyweavers, and this in turn will make you stronger, wiser and more versatile. A match will end in a draw after each player makes 30 turns. You'll see a warning message appear aSome readersI see a day and night cycle in the playing field. Does it affect gameplay?
Not at this moment. The day/night cycle is purely cosmetic. It is daytime during your turn, and nighttime during your opponents.Some readersHow do I attack with a Unit?
To attack with a Unit, simply click and drag it with your cursor (or finger, if you are playing the mobile version) and drag it on top of the desired target. The two characters will then deal damage to each other, and any destroyed Units will go to the discard pile. More on player actions in this blog post.Some readersCan I win cards in every game mode?
Yes! In 2 ways: Win Silver cards and Conquest tickets when you rank high in the leaderboards. At the end of each week (Monday at 5:00 AM ET), the consolidated top 500 players on each leaderboards for Discovery and Constructed mode will earn corresponding Silver cards and/or Conquest tickets. Players can also win Silver and Gold cards via the Conquest game mode. Enter Conquest and get rewarded with Silver or Gold cards if you win. You can choose to play Discovery or Constructed undSome readersWhat are the limits or caps in Skyweaver?
Here's a handy reference for you: Life Points: 99 Max Mana: 99 Units in play: 6, plus your Hero Hand: 9 Cards. Any additional card draw will send the oldest card in your hand (aka your leftmost card) back to your deck. Attachments: all Heroes and Units can have only 1 attached spell or enchant on them at any time. Any new attached spell or enchant they gain will overwrite any old one.Some readersWhat are the Keywords in Skyweaver?
We currently have these Keywords in the game: Armor: Prevents the first point of damage from each individual damage source. Banner: Provides +1 Power to your Hero. Guard: Units with guard prevent your Hero from being attacked. Lifesteal: Damage dealt to the enemy hero by Units or Spells with Lifesteal gives your hero that much health. Stealth: Units with Stealth cannot be attacked unless their Hero has been damaged this turn. Wither: Damage dealt to Units (but not hSome readersI’ve just summoned a Unit, and I cannot attack with it!
Fear not! Being summoned is a taxing process for most Units. When Units are first summoned, they are asleep, which renders them unable to attack in that same turn. There are rare exceptions, though! Additionally, even though you cannot attack with sleeping Units, they can still defend you, and you can cast any Spells the Unit might have (paying for its Mana cost, of course).Some readersWhat’s the story of the game?
Skyweaver takes place in Sky. Sky is an alternate reality, a new digital dimension that exists parallel to Earth. Players, a.k.a. Skyweavers come to Sky to play, explore and battle with one another. Through battle, Skyweavers activate, unlock and acquire resources provided by Sky. Every resource that a player unlocks is a new discovery. New resources allow Skyweavers to discover new gameplay opportunities, and Skyweavers trade their resources with other Skyweavers to build and discover newFew readersI was playing my turn, but it ended before I had clicked on the End Turn button! What happened?
In Ranked matches, each player has a limited amount of time (60 seconds) to make their plays before Sky conspires and ends their turn. You can see a green timer bar on the top of your End Turn button (bottom right of the playing field), depleting from left to right. Think before you play, but be fast! Also note that completing an action in your turn (casting a spell, summoning a Unit, attacking) will also add 5 seconds to your turn timer.Few readersWhat happens if I leave a match, or if I lose connection with the game for any reason?
If you leave a match, you can rejoin (by reloading your Skyweaver tab in the browser) where you left. Longer disconnections will cause you to forfeit that particular match.Few readersHow do damage and healing effects work in Skyweaver?
Damage and healing effects are persistent in Skyweaver, and that means that Units and the Hero can be ‘overhealed’ (having more Life than its starting value) by Spells or other effects. Units also won’t naturally heal damage received.Few readersSo there’s no cap to Max Mana, then? What about Life points?
There is currently a cap to Mana and Life, 99 of each. We feel that these values are big enough to accommodate most strategies.Few readersHow do Heroes affect gameplay?
Heroes work similarly to Units. They have a health (currently starting at 32), an Attack Power of 1, and are always placed in the middle of your playing field. You can use it to attack other Units or the enemy Hero. But be aware that unlike Units, Heroes do not counterattack when attacked. Also, if your Hero ever reaches 0 Life or less, you will lose! Read about all the basics of Skyweaver in this blog post.Few readersCan I edit my deck? How many different decks can I have?
Absolutely! You can create up to 50 decks (Single and/or Hybrid), as you see fit.Few readersWhat is Conquest Mode?
Conquest is the next level tournament game mode in Skyweaver. Players can win tradable items based on their performance of up to 3 games. If a player's win streak is broken, their Conquest will end. In order to enter, you must pay with either 1 Conquest ticket or a Silver Card.Few readersHow many copies of a card can I have in my deck?
Skyweaver is designed as a “singleton” game, so you can only have one copy of any given card in your deck. There are ways to bypass this limit, for the creative player (wink wink).Few readersWhat are some of the card mechanics present in the game?
There are a number of mechanics that make Skyweaver a game that’s easy to jump into, but at the same time provide a lot of depth for advanced players. Some examples: Glory: Activates the effect described when the Unit attacks and damages the enemy Hero (not other Units, though!) Death: Triggers when the Unit is destroyed and sent to the graveyard. Note that Dusted Units will not trigger their Death effects. Play: A Play effect happens immediately when the Unit is ‘played’ from hand.Few readersCan I play offline?
No. Skyweaver is a multiplayer competitive TCG, and as such, requires an internet connection to access your account, decks and opponents at all times.Few readersWhat about card Elements? How do they impact gameplay?
Elements are a secondary thematic layer available to players when building their decks. Also, Elements have a strong interaction with card mechanics such as Inspire, and certain cards will allow you to draw spells or units of particular elements. Elements can be a powerful theme to build a deck around, and will play a bigger role in Skyweaver as the game evolveFew readersWhat’s the difference between being Destroyed and Dusted?
When a card is Destroyed (or more generally, Killed), it goes to your discard pile. When this happens, it activates any Death effects the card may have, and it becomes available for Spells or Effects that manipulate the discard pile. When a card is Dusted, however, it is immediately and completely removed from the match, without triggering any Death effects it may have.Few readersHow do I use Spells attached to Units?
In the same way you cast Spells from your hand! You simply click and drag the spell off the unit, pay the Mana cost, then choose the target to its effect.Few readersWhy do some cards have a Yellow or Blue aura when I attack or cast a Spell? Or that skull on top of Units?
These are indicators! The yellow aura will appear whenever you have to choose a target for a Spell or attack. If a Unit doesn’t have a yellow aura surrounding it, that means it isn’t a valid target for what you are trying to do. The green aura shows which cards you have that are currently usable . If a Unit or Hero is in play and has a green aura, it is ready to attack. Units and Spells with a green aura (either in your hand or attached to a Unit) can be played, meaning that you haFew readersHow do I use a card in Skyweaver?
Once you have the card you want to use in your hand, check its cost. You'll see the Mana cost in the Mana Crystal on the card's top left. If you have enough Mana, just drag and drop the card towards any empty space around the middle of the battlefield. If you have played a Unit, it will then fly and materialize automatically in its adequate spot, depending on the presence of Keywords such as Stealth (Stealthed Units go to the left of your Hero) or Guard (Guards are always positioned to the rigFew readersWhat happens if I don’t have any cards left in my deck? Do I lose the match?
No, you can’t lose a match like that. If you need to draw a card and you don’t have any in your deck, you will lose one Health Point, and then “Conjure” a card instead, which means you will draw a card from the Prisms your deck uses (respecting the singleton rules). However, pay attention: this Health loss can bring your Health total to 0, and then you would lose the match. Few readersHow many classes are available to the players?
Classes, you say? In Skyweaver, players are not divided by mere classes, but by Prisms, the special groups of cards they choose to build their decks with. The Hero you choose will either belong to one (Mono) or two (Hybrid) Prisms. Choose wisely, since this will determine the Prism/s you build your deck with on Constructed mode, and the general style of your match. Right now, we have five Prisms available: Agility Heart Intellect Strength Wisdom Other mysterious ones will be releaseFew readersHow are the Prisms different?
Each Prism targets a general strategy: Agility: Overwhelming foes with All-Out Aggression and Speed. Heart: Raising the dead, and empowering the living. Intellect: Setting up Elaborate combos and synergistic plays. Strength: Dominating with hardy Units and powerful Spells. Wisdom: Outlasting opponents and Overwhelming them in the lategame. There is a degree of overlap between the Prisms. There are strong Units in Wisdom, but not as many (or as numerically stroFew readersDoes the game have a Single Player campaign? Can I play this game solo?
Not currently. Skyweaver is currently focused on its competitive nature, pitting players against each other. The only Single Player experience right now is practice matches against bots.Few readersGaining XP
XP (i.e. experience points) is earned after every match you play. Players gain 30 XP each time they complete a match, and a victory gives a player an additional +20 XP. If a player concedes before turn 5, they will forfeit all XP. As you accumulate XP, you will level up and unlock Base cards as well as the different Heroes in the game. This will allow you to build your own decks and participate in Constructed mode. You need 200 XP points in order to level up. While XP is alwaysFew readers